• Role: Facilities Master Planner
  • Site Area: 13 Acres
  • Educational Master Planner: Brailsford & Dunlavey
Less than 8% of the site surface area is landscape and less than 3% of the site surface area is programmable

While working with the NOCE community, MRY embraced the role of noncredit education and took time with our students and staff to understand the needs of the community we serve. The 2020 Facilities Master Plan for our campus strategically leveraged existing assets and, at the same time, successfully accounted for future growth.

Valentina Purtell, President, North Orange Continuing Education
  • Role: Facilities Master Planner
  • Building Area:
  • Site Area: 13 Acres
  • Educational Master Planner: Brailsford & Dunlavey
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